The summer of 1944 marked a turning point in World War II with the Allied invasion of Normandy, known as D-Day. This monumental event, orchestrated by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, involved forces from the United States, Britain, Canada, and other Allied nations. In recognition of this pivotal moment, Alderney, a Channel Island off the Normandy coast, has issued the 2024 Alderney 1 oz Silver D-Day 80th Anniversary Coin.
Alderney, the northernmost of the Channel Islands, played a crucial role during the war due to its strategic location in the English Channel, close to Normandy, France. In June 1940, the island's entire civilian population of about 1,500 was evacuated to mainland Britain ahead of the German occupation. The Germans fortified Alderney as part of the Atlantic Wall, constructing bunkers and labor camps. These defenses were intended to repel any Allied invasion attempts, underscoring the island’s strategic importance.
2024 Alderney 1 oz Silver D-Day 80th Anniversary Coin Product Specifications
- Contains 1 troy ounce (31.103 grams) of 99.9% fine silver.
- Coins arrive in protective flips, tubes of 20, or Monster Boxes of 500 coins.
- Issued a face value of 1 Pound.
- Comes in New condition.
- Produced by the Sunshine Mint.
- The obverse features His Majesty King Charles III.
- The reverse is an image of Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy.